This September, The Marburger Farm Antique Show, in Round Top, Texas, kicks off its fall show. Long a source for terrific (and quirky) finds, the outdoor show will feature some 350 dealers from all over the world.
Twelve historic buildings and ten tents—situated on the 43-acre property—will be filled with everything from European antiques, Asian art, architectural elements, garden pieces, games and books, Americana, jewelry, paintings, textiles... and more!
The show starts with Early Buying Tuesday... go if you want a serious advantage over the rest of us. Paid admission is good all week... there's a cafe and daily drawings. No shortage of good stuff. And parking's free. I'll repeat that: parking's free. Love that southern hospitality.
And what makes the whole thing even nicer? Marburger Farm's the philanthropic sort. They support their local volunteer fire department, and a portion of the the spring show's proceeds went to Texas Children's Hospital. A few images of the spring event (below) give a pretty exciting glimpse into what you might find this fall.
The show's on from September 27th through October 1st. For information and ticketing details, visit Marburger Farm.
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